
Aus kvwmap
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Die Layer sind für den Nutzer völlig unsichtbar. Entsprechend sind bei den Attributnamen keine Aliasse gesetzt. Die Rechte aller Attribute in allen Layern sind immer "lesend".

SET @group_id = 1;
SET @connection = 'user=xxxx password=xxxx dbname=kvwmapsp';

-- Layer 50304055
-- FST-Auszüge Buchung mit Eigentum
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Buchung mit Eigentum', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT *, \'\' as eigentuemer FROM fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304055=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut buchung des Layers 50304055
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304055, 'buchung', 'buchung', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut buchungsblatt_gml_id des Layers 50304055
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304055, 'buchungsblatt_gml_id', 'buchungsblatt_gml_id', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut eigentuemer des Layers 50304055
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304055, 'eigentuemer', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304065,buchungsblatt_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '3', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304055
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304055, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', 'fstauszug_buchung_mit_eigentum', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304049
-- FST-Auszüge Buchung ohne Eigentum
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Buchung ohne Eigentum', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT * FROM fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304049=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut buchung des Layers 50304049
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304049, 'buchung', 'buchung', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Textfeld', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut buchungsblatt_gml_id des Layers 50304049
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304049, 'buchungsblatt_gml_id', 'buchungsblatt_gml_id', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304049
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304049, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', 'fstauszug_buchung_ohne_eigentum', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304065
-- FST-Auszüge Eigentümer
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Eigentümer', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT * FROM fstauszug_eigentuemer_anschrift WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_eigentuemer_anschrift', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304065=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut buchungsblatt_gml_id des Layers 50304065
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-- Attribut eigentuemer des Layers 50304065
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304065, 'eigentuemer', 'eigentuemer', 'fstauszug_eigentuemer_anschrift', 'fstauszug_eigentuemer_anschrift', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304056
-- FST-Auszüge Flurstück mit Eigentum
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Flurstück mit Eigentum', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT f.flurstueck_gml_id, flurstueckskennzeichen, gemeinde_schluessel, gemeinde_name, gemarkung_schluessel, gemarkung_name, flurnummer, flurstuecksnummer, abweichenderrechtszustand, rechtsbehelfsverfahren, amtlicheflaeche, wkb_geometry, \'\' as gbbezirk, \'\' as lage, \'\' as nutzung, \'\' as buchung FROM fstauszug_flurstueck f WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304056=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut abweichenderrechtszustand des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'abweichenderrechtszustand', 'abweichenderrechtszustand', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '8', '0', '0');

-- Attribut amtlicheflaeche des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'amtlicheflaeche', 'amtlicheflaeche', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '10', '0', '0');

-- Attribut buchung des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'buchung', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304055,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '15', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurnummer des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'flurnummer', 'flurnummer', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'int4', '', '', '1', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '6', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueckskennzeichen des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'flurstueckskennzeichen', 'flurstueckskennzeichen', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstuecksnummer des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'flurstuecksnummer', 'flurstuecksnummer', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '7', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gbbezirk des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'gbbezirk', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304050,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '12', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemarkung_name des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'gemarkung_name', 'gemarkung_name', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '5', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemarkung_schluessel des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'gemarkung_schluessel', 'gemarkung_schluessel', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '4', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemeinde_name des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'gemeinde_name', 'gemeinde_name', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '3', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemeinde_schluessel des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'gemeinde_schluessel', 'gemeinde_schluessel', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut lage des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'lage', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304042,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '13', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nutzung des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'nutzung', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304053,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '14', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rechtsbehelfsverfahren des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'rechtsbehelfsverfahren', 'rechtsbehelfsverfahren', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '9', '0', '0');

-- Attribut wkb_geometry des Layers 50304056
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304056, 'wkb_geometry', 'wkb_geometry', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'geometry', 'POLYGON', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Geometrie', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '11', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304041
-- FST-Auszüge Flurstück ohne Eigentum
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Flurstück ohne Eigentum', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT f.flurstueck_gml_id, flurstueckskennzeichen, gemeinde_schluessel, gemeinde_name, gemarkung_schluessel, gemarkung_name, flurnummer, flurstuecksnummer, abweichenderrechtszustand, rechtsbehelfsverfahren, amtlicheflaeche, wkb_geometry, \'\' as gbbezirk, \'\' as lage, \'\' as nutzung, \'\' as buchung FROM fstauszug_flurstueck f WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304041=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut abweichenderrechtszustand des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'abweichenderrechtszustand', 'abweichenderrechtszustand', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '8', '0', '0');

-- Attribut amtlicheflaeche des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'amtlicheflaeche', 'amtlicheflaeche', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '10', '0', '0');

-- Attribut buchung des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'buchung', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304049,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '15', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurnummer des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'flurnummer', 'flurnummer', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'int4', '', '', '1', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '6', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueckskennzeichen des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'flurstueckskennzeichen', 'flurstueckskennzeichen', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstuecksnummer des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'flurstuecksnummer', 'flurstuecksnummer', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '7', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gbbezirk des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'gbbezirk', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304050,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '12', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemarkung_name des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'gemarkung_name', 'gemarkung_name', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '5', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemarkung_schluessel des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'gemarkung_schluessel', 'gemarkung_schluessel', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '4', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemeinde_name des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'gemeinde_name', 'gemeinde_name', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '3', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemeinde_schluessel des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'gemeinde_schluessel', 'gemeinde_schluessel', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut lage des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'lage', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304042,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '13', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nutzung des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'nutzung', '', '', '', 'unknown', '', '', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'SubFormPK', '50304053,flurstueck_gml_id;no_new_window', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '14', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rechtsbehelfsverfahren des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'rechtsbehelfsverfahren', 'rechtsbehelfsverfahren', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '9', '0', '0');

-- Attribut wkb_geometry des Layers 50304041
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304041, 'wkb_geometry', 'wkb_geometry', 'fstauszug_flurstueck', 'f', 'geometry', 'POLYGON', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Geometrie', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', '', '', '', '11', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304050
-- FST-Auszüge Grundbuchbezirk
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Grundbuchbezirk', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT * FROM fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304050=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304050
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304050, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut name_amtsgericht des Layers 50304050
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304050, 'name_amtsgericht', 'name_amtsgericht', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut name_gbbezirk des Layers 50304050
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304050, 'name_gbbezirk', 'name_gbbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '4', '0', '0');

-- Attribut schluessel_amtsgericht des Layers 50304050
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304050, 'schluessel_amtsgericht', 'schluessel_amtsgericht', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut schluessel_gbbezirk des Layers 50304050
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304050, 'schluessel_gbbezirk', 'schluessel_gbbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'fstauszug_grundbuchbezirk', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '3', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304042
-- FST-Auszüge Lage
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Lage', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT * FROM fstauszug_lage WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_lage', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304042=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304042
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304042, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_lage', 'fstauszug_lage', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut lage des Layers 50304042
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304042, 'lage', 'lage', 'fstauszug_lage', 'fstauszug_lage', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Layer 50304053
-- FST-Auszüge Nutzung
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('FST-Auszüge Nutzung', '', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT * FROM fstauszug_nutzung WHERE 1=1', 'fstauszug_nutzung', '', 'alkis_eigen', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', @connection, '', '6', '', '', '3', 'pixels', '25833', '', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', '-1', '', 'EPSG:25833', 'ALK-Flurstücke', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '0');
SET @last_layer_id50304053=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut bezeichnung des Layers 50304053
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304053, 'bezeichnung', 'bezeichnung', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '3', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flurstueck_gml_id des Layers 50304053
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304053, 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'flurstueck_gml_id', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'bpchar', '', '', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut na_flaeche des Layers 50304053
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304053, 'na_flaeche', 'na_flaeche', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nutzung des Layers 50304053
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id50304053, 'nutzung', 'nutzung', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'fstauszug_nutzung', 'text', '', '', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '', '', '', '1', '0', '0');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304055
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304055', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304055)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304055,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304055, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304049
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304049', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304049)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304049,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304049, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304065
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304065', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304065)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304065,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304065, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304056
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304056', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304056)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304056,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304056, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304041
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304041', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304041)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304041,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304041, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304050
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304050', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304050)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304050,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304050, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304042
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304042', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304042)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304042,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304042, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 50304053
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=50304053', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id50304053)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '50304053,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id50304053, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id50304055, @last_layer_id50304049, @last_layer_id50304065, @last_layer_id50304056, @last_layer_id50304041, @last_layer_id50304050, @last_layer_id50304042, @last_layer_id50304053) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');