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Version vom 7. September 2023, 11:20 Uhr von Pkorduan (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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SQL-Dump der in kvwmap für die Fachschale FMK benötigten Layer, Klassen, Attribute, Labels, Styles und Drucklayouts

zurück zur Fachschalenbeschreibung

Folgenden Anpassungen müssen bei der Einrichtung der Fachschale vorgenommen werden.

  • Anpassung der Gruppen und Connection-ID.
  • Die Fachschale nutzt die Tabellen Flurstücke und Nutzungsarten aus der Fachschale ALKIS.
  • Alle Attribute den Formularelementtyp SubFormEmbeddedPK haben, müssen mit der passenden Layer-ID des verknüpften Layers versehen werden.
  • Es müssen die Ordner /var/www/data/fmk/dokumente und /var/www/data/fmk/fotos angelegt werden.
  • Die Tabellen im Schema verwaltungsgrenzen müssen mit den administrativen Einheiten befüllt werden damit die Zuordnung zu den Potentialflächen in den Triggern korrekt berechnet werden können.
  • Für die Zuordnung zu den Flächen der regionalen Raumordnung ist eine Tabelle raumordnung.planungsraumflaechen notwendig und muss mit den Planungsraumflächen befüllt werden. Dies ist nur relevant wenn sich das Flächenmanagementkataster über mehrere Planungsräume erstreckt.
  • Es sind keine gesonderten Symbole oder Fonts verwendet worden. Falls Bedarf besteht können diese jedoch hinzugefügt und angepasst werden.
 -- Layerdump aus kvwmap vom 06.09.2023 13:10:14
 -- Achtung: Die Datenbank in die der Dump eingespielt wird, sollte die gleiche Migrationsversion haben,
 -- wie die Datenbank aus der exportiert wurde! Anderenfalls kann es zu Fehlern bei der Ausführung des SQL kommen.
 SET @group_id = 1;
 SET @connection = ;
 SET @connection_id = '1';
 -- Layer 14
 INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `oid`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `connection_id`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `sizeunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `write_mapserver_templates`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datasource`, `dataowner_name`, `dataowner_email`, `dataowner_tel`, `uptodateness`, `updatecycle`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`) VALUES ('Dokumente', , '5', @group_id, 'SELECT\r\n  d.dokument_id,\r\n  d.potential_id,\r\n  d.title,\r\n  d.datei\r\nFROM\r\n  dokumente d JOIN\r\n  potentiale p ON d.potential_id = p.potential_id\r\nWHERE\r\n  $stelle_id = 1 OR\r\n  $stelle_id = p.stelle_id', 'dokumente', 'dokument_id', , 'fmk', '/var/www/data/fmk/dokumente/', , , , 'datei', NULL, NULL, , @connection, @connection_id, , '6', , '5', 'pixels', NULL, '4326', , '1', NULL, '405', NULL, NULL, , 'EPSG:4326', , '1.0.0', 'image/png', '60', , , , , , '0', '0', , , NULL, , , , , , , '2', );
 SET @last_layer_id14=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Attribut datei des Layers 14
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id14, 'datei', 'datei', 'dokumente', 'd', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Dokument', , 'Datei', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '11', '1', '1');
 -- Attribut dokument_id des Layers 14
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id14, 'dokument_id', 'dokument_id', 'dokumente', 'd', 'int4', , 'PRIMARY KEY', '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Text', , 'Dokument-ID', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '0', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut potential_id des Layers 14
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id14, 'potential_id', 'potential_id', 'dokumente', 'd', 'int4', , , '1', '0', '32', '0', , 'dynamicLink', 'index.php?go=Layer-Suche_Suchen&selected_layer_id=9&oid=$potential_id;zur Potentialfläche', 'Potentialfläche', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '9', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut title des Layers 14
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id14, 'title', 'title', 'dokumente', 'd', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Titel', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '6', '1', '0');
 -- Class 108 des Layers 14
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES (' ', @last_layer_id14, , '1', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 66 der Class 108
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, 'circle', '8', '89 255 181', , '100 142 124', , , , NULL, '6', '10', NULL, NULL, '360', , , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 66 zu Class 108
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Layer 9
 INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `oid`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `connection_id`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `sizeunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `write_mapserver_templates`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datasource`, `dataowner_name`, `dataowner_email`, `dataowner_tel`, `uptodateness`, `updatecycle`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`) VALUES ('Flaechenpotenzial', 'Flächenpotenzial $potentialklassifizierung', '2', @group_id, 'SELECT\r\n  p.potential_id,\r\n  p.bezeichnung,\r\n  p.potenzialkategorie_id,\r\n  p.priorisierung_kommune_id,\r\n  p.bebauung_id,\r\n  p.eigenschaft_id AS genutzt1,\r\n  p.eigenschaft_id AS genutzt2,\r\n  \'\' AS dokumente,\r\n  \'\' AS fotos,\r\n   p.staedtebau_integration_id,\r\n  ST_Area(p.geom) AS flaeche,\r\n  round(ST_Area(p.geom)::numeric)::text || \' m2\' AS flaeche_qm,\r\n  round(ST_Area(p.geom)::numeric/10000, 2)::text || \' ha\' AS  flaeche_ha,\r\n  r.txt AS planungsraum,\r\n  l.kreis,\r\n  g.gemeinde,\r\n  \'\' as flurstuecke,\r\n  \'\' as nutzungsarten,\r\n  p.erschliessung_id,  \r\n  p.fnpdarstellung_id,\r\n  p.potenzialbeschreibung_id,\r\n  p.bplandarstellung_id,\r\n  p.baurecht_id,\r\n  p.bplan_nr_id,\r\n  p.sonstiges,\r\n  p.bereits_aktiviert, \r\n  p.aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id,\r\n  p.aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id,\r\n  p.ortsteil_id,\r\n  p.besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id,\r\n  p.satzungsgebiete_ids,\r\n  p.eigentumsverhaeltnisse,\r\n  p.aktuelle_nutzung_ids,\r\n  p.versiegelung_id,\r\n  p.verfuegbarkeit_id,\r\n  p.leerstand_id,\r\n  p.geschossflaechenzahl_id,\r\n  p.grundflaechenzahl_id,\r\n  p.wohneinheiten_id,\r\n  p.bautyp_id,\r\n  p.vollgeschossanzahl_id,\r\n  p.hemmnisse,\r\n  p.planungsabsichten_gemeinde_ids,\r\n  p.stelle_id,\r\n  p.created_at,\r\n  p.created_from,\r\n  p.updated_at,\r\n  p.updated_from,\r\n  p.status_id,\r\n  p.kommentar,\r\n  p.geom\r\nFROM\r\n  potentiale p LEFT JOIN\r\n  raumordnung.planungsraumflaechen r ON p.planungsraum_gid = r.gid LEFT JOIN\r\n  verwaltungsgrenzen.gemeinden g ON g.schlgmd = p.schlgmd LEFT JOIN\r\n  verwaltungsgrenzen.landkreise l ON l.schlkrs = g.schlkrs\r\nWHERE \r\n  (\r\n    p.stelle_id = $stelle_id OR\r\n    ($stelle_id < 1999 AND p.stelle_id::text LIKE \'$stelle_id%\') OR\r\n    ($stelle_id > 1999 AND $stelle_id::text LIKE p.stelle_id::text || \'%\') OR\r\n    $stelle_id IN (1) \r\n  )\r\n', 'potentiale', 'potential_id', 'geom from (select potential_id, potenzialkategorie_id, verfuegbarkeit_id, priorisierung_kommune_id, bezeichnung,  geom from fmk.potentiale where (stelle_id = $stelle_id or ($stelle_id < 1999 AND stelle_id::text LIKE \'$stelle_id%\') or  ($stelle_id > 1999 AND $stelle_id::text LIKE stelle_id::text || \'%\') or $stelle_id IN (1))) as foo using unique potential_id using srid=25832', 'fmk', , , , , 'bezeichnung', NULL, NULL, , @connection, @connection_id, , '6', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '3', 'pixels', '6', '25832', , '1', NULL, '100', NULL, NULL, , 'EPSG:4326', , '1.0.0', 'image/png', '60', , , , , , '1', '0', , , NULL, , , , , , 'ächenkategorien.pdf', '2', );
 SET @last_layer_id9=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Attribut aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Neue Nutzung', , , , , , 'Entwicklung', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'bereits_aktiviert', '!=', 'true', '118', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Zeitpunkt der Aktivierung', , , , , , 'Entwicklung', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'bereits_aktiviert', '!=', 'true', '117', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut aktuelle_nutzung_ids des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', 'potentiale', 'p', '_int4', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  bezeichnung AS output,  \r\n  aktuelle_nutzung_id as Value \r\nFROM fmk.cl_aktuelle_nutzungen; \r\n  horizontal', 'Aktuelle Nutzungen', , , , , 'Mehrfachauswahl möglich', 'Nutzung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '103', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut baurecht_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'baurecht_id', 'baurecht_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  baurecht_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_baurecht \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Baurecht', , , , , , 'Planungsrecht', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '97', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut bautyp_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'bautyp_id', 'bautyp_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT bautyp_id AS value, bezeichnung AS output FROM fmk.cl_bautyp\r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Bautyp', , , , , , 'Entwicklung', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', , , , '125', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut bebauung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'bebauung_id', 'bebauung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  bebauung_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_bebauung \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Bebauung', , , , , , 'Nutzung', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', NULL, '1', , , , '105', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut bereits_aktiviert des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'bereits_aktiviert', 'bereits_aktiviert', 'potentiale', 'p', 'bool', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, 'false', 'Checkbox', , 'Bereits aktivierte Fläche', , , , , , 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '116', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  bes_staedtebaurecht_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_bes_staedtebaurecht \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Besonderes Städtebaurecht', , , , , , 'Planungsrecht', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '101', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut bezeichnung des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'bezeichnung', 'bezeichnung', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '0', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Bezeichnung', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '70', '1', '1');
 -- Attribut bplandarstellung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'bplandarstellung_id', 'bplandarstellung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', '_int4', , , '1', '0', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  bplandarstellung_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_bplandarstellungen \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Festsetzung B-Plan', , , , , , 'Planungsrecht', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '99', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut bplan_nr_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'bplan_nr_id', 'bplan_nr_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'B-Plan Nummer', , , , , , 'Planungsrecht', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '98', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut created_at des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'created_at', 'created_at', 'potentiale', 'p', 'timestamp', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Time', 'insert', 'erstellt am', , , , , , 'Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '162', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut created_from des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'created_from', 'created_from', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'User', 'insert', 'erstellt von', , , , , , 'Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '163', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut dokumente des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'dokumente', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'SubFormEmbeddedPK', '14,potential_id,title;embedded', 'Dokumente', , , , , , 'Dokumente', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '139', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut eigentumsverhaeltnisse des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Eigentumsverhältnisse', , , , , 'Freitextfeld zum Eintragen der aktuellen oder Besonderheiten zu Eigentumsverhältnissen.', 'Nutzung', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '104', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut erschliessung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'erschliessung_id', 'erschliessung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  erschliessung_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_erschliessung \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Erschließung', , , , , 'Die Erschließung eines Grundstücks ist eine der Voraussetzungen dafür, dass ein Bauland überhaupt bebaut werden darf. Sie umfasst sämtliche baulichen Maßnahmen und rechtlichen Regelungen, die notwendig sind, um das Grundstück nach der Bebauung ordnungsgemäß nutzen zu können. \r\n\r\nZur Erschließung gehören der Anschluss an das öffentliche Straßen- und Wegenetz sowie an das Versorgungsnetz:\r\n- Abwasseranschluss\r\n- Elektrizitätsanschluss\r\n- verkehrsgerechte Anbindung an eine Straße\r\n- Wasseranschluss', 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'bereits_aktiviert', '=', 'false', '119', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut flaeche des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'flaeche', , , , 'float8', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Berechnete Fläche', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '0', '0', NULL, '-1', '-1', NULL, '0', , , , '75', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut flaeche_ha des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'flaeche_ha', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , , , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '1', '2', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '78', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut flaeche_qm des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'flaeche_qm', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Flächengröße', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '77', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut flurstuecke des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'flurstuecke', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'SubFormEmbeddedPK', '89,potential_id,beschriftung;embedded', 'Flurstücke (lt. ALKIS)', , , , , , 'Flurstücke;collapsed', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', NULL, '1', , , , '81', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut fnpdarstellung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'fnpdarstellung_id', 'fnpdarstellung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', '_int4', , , '1', '0', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  fnpdarstellung_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_fnpdarstellungen \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Darstellung FNP', , , , , , 'Planungsrecht', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '95', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut fotos des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'fotos', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'SubFormEmbeddedPK', '13,potential_id,datei;no_new_window', 'Fotos', , , , , , 'Dokumente', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '140', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut gemeinde des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'gemeinde', 'gemeinde', 'gemeinden', 'g', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', '35', NULL, , 'Text', , 'Amt/Stadt/Gemeinde', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '73', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut genutzt1 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'genutzt1', 'eigenschaft_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT\r\n  e.eigenschaft_id AS value,\r\n  e.bezeichnung AS output\r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_eigenschaften e JOIN\r\n  fmk.cl_eigenschaften2potenzialkategorien e2pk ON e.eigenschaft_id = e2pk.eigenschaft_id\r\nWHERE\r\n  e2pk.potenzialkategorie_id = 1 \r\nORDER BY\r\n  e2pk.reihenfolge', 'Bebauung', , , , , , 'Nutzung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '=', '1', '106', NULL, '0');
 -- Attribut genutzt2 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'genutzt2', 'eigenschaft_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT\r\n  e.eigenschaft_id AS value,\r\n  e.bezeichnung AS output\r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_eigenschaften e JOIN\r\n  fmk.cl_eigenschaften2potenzialkategorien e2pk ON e.eigenschaft_id = e2pk.eigenschaft_id\r\nWHERE\r\n  e2pk.potenzialkategorie_id = 2 \r\nORDER BY\r\n  e2pk.reihenfolge', 'Bebauung', , , , , , 'Nutzung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '=', '2', '107', NULL, '0');
 -- Attribut geom des Layers 9
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 -- Attribut geschossflaechenzahl_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'geschossflaechenzahl_id', 'geschossflaechenzahl_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'float8', , , '1', '1', '53', NULL, , 'Text', , 'GFZ', , , , , 'Geschossflächenzahl', 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', , , , '122', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut grundflaechenzahl_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'grundflaechenzahl_id', 'grundflaechenzahl_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'float8', , , '1', '1', '53', NULL, , 'Text', , 'GRZ', , , , , 'Grundflächenzahl', 'Entwicklung', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', , , , '123', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut hemmnisse des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'hemmnisse', 'hemmnisse', 'potentiale', 'p', 'text', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Textfeld', , 'Hemmnisse', , , , , , 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'bereits_aktiviert', '=', 'false', '130', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut kommentar des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'kommentar', 'kommentar', 'potentiale', 'p', 'text', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Textfeld', , 'Kommentar', , , , , , 'Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '169', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut kreis des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'kreis', 'kreis', 'landkreise', 'l', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', '35', NULL, , 'Text', , 'Kreis/kreisfreie Stadt', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '72', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut leerstand_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'leerstand_id', 'leerstand_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  leerstand_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_leerstand\r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Leerstand', , , , , 'Wenn bebaut, dann...', 'Nutzung', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '108', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut nutzungsarten des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'nutzungsarten', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'SubFormEmbeddedPK', '90,potential_id,beschriftung;embedded', 'Nutzungsarten (lt. ALKIS)', , , , , , 'Nutzungsarten;collapsed', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '-1', NULL, '1', , , , '82', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut ortsteil_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'ortsteil_id', 'ortsteil_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT\r\n  ortsteil_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output\r\nFROM\r\n  verwaltungsgrenzen.ortsteile\r\nWHERE\r\n  stelle_id = $stelleid;layer_id=92 embedded', 'Stadt-/Ortsteil', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '74', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut planungsabsichten_gemeinde_ids des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_ids', 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_ids', 'potentiale', 'p', '_int4', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  bezeichnung AS output,\r\n  planungsabsichten_gemeinde_id AS value \r\nFROM fmk.cl_planungsabsichten_gemeinde', 'Entwicklungsperspektive', , , , , 'Mehrfachauswahl möglich', 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'bereits_aktiviert', '=', 'false', '121', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut planungsraum des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'planungsraum', 'txt', 'planungsraumflaechen', 'r', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Raumordnung', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '71', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut potential_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'potential_id', 'potential_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , 'PRIMARY KEY', '1', '1', '32', '0', 'nextval(\'potentiale_potential_id_seq\'::regclass)', 'Text', , 'Flächen-ID', , , , , , 'Stammdaten', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '1', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut potenzialbeschreibung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  potenzialbeschreibung_id AS value, \r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM \r\n  fmk.cl_beschreibung_potenzial\r\nWHERE\r\n  potenzialkategorie_id = <requires>potenzialkategorie_id</requires>\r\nORDER BY reihenfolge', 'Beschreibung', , , , , , 'Potenzialart', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '2', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '!=', '2', '85', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut potenzialkategorie_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'potenzialkategorie_id', 'potenzialkategorie_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '0', '32', '0', '1', 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  potenzialkategorie_id AS value, \r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM \r\n  fmk.cl_potenzialkategorien  <required by>potenzialbeschreibung_id</required by>\r\nORDER BY reihenfolge', 'Kategorie', , , , , 'Nähere Erläuterungen zu den Kategorien finden Sie \r\n\r\n<a href=\"\" title=\"Nähere Erläuterung zu Kategorien herunterladen\">hier</a>', 'Potenzialart', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '83', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut priorisierung_kommune_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'priorisierung_kommune_id', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT priorisierung_kommune_id AS value, bezeichnung AS output FROM fmk.cl_priorisierungen_kommune\r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Priorisierung Kommune', , , , , 'Wenn Sie bereits eine Priorisierung Ihrer Flächen vorgenommen haben, können Sie diese hier entsprechend zuordnen. Da die Bewertung der Flächen oft nach unterschiedlichen Kriterien vorgenommen wird, wird an dieser Stelle keine Wertung der Priorisierung vorgenommen.', 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '114', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut satzungsgebiete_ids des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'satzungsgebiete_ids', 'satzungsgebiete_ids', 'potentiale', 'p', '_int4', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  satzungsgebiet_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_satzungsgebiet \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Satzungsgebiete', , , , , 'Mehrfachauswahl möglich', 'Planungsrecht', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', , , , '102', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut sonstiges des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'sonstiges', 'sonstiges', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Textfeld', , 'Sonstiges', , , , , , 'Sonstiges', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '133', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut staedtebau_integration_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'staedtebau_integration_id', 'staedtebau_integration_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '0', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT \r\n  staedtebau_integration_id AS value,\r\n  bezeichnung AS output \r\nFROM\r\n  fmk.cl_staedtebau_integration \r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Städtebauliche Lage', , , , , , 'Potenzialart', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '88', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut status_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'status_id', 'status_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '0', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT status_id AS value, bezeichnung AS output FROM fmk.cl_stati WHERE status_id IN (1, 2, 3)\r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Status', , , , , 'Bitte wählen Sie hier den Stand der Bearbeitung aus.', 'Stammdaten', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '2', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut stelle_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'stelle_id', 'stelle_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'StelleID', 'insert', 'Stelle-ID', , , , , , 'Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '160', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut updated_at des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'updated_at', 'updated_at', 'potentiale', 'p', 'timestamp', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Time', 'update', 'geändert am', , , , , , 'Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '165', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut updated_from des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'updated_from', 'updated_from', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'User', 'update', 'geändert von', , , , , , 'Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '1', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '167', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut verfuegbarkeit_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'verfuegbarkeit_id', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT verfuegbarkeit_id AS value, bezeichnung AS output FROM fmk.cl_verfuegbarkeiten', 'Verfügbarkeit', , , , , 'Ab wann steht diese Fläche zur Verfügung? (Schätzung)', 'Entwicklung', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, '0', NULL, '1', , , , '115', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut versiegelung_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'versiegelung_id', 'versiegelung_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Auswahlfeld', 'SELECT versiegelung_id AS value, bezeichnung AS output FROM fmk.cl_versiegelung\r\nORDER BY\r\n  reihenfolge', 'Versiegelung', , , , , , 'Nutzung', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '110', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut vollgeschossanzahl_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'vollgeschossanzahl_id', 'vollgeschossanzahl_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Text', , 'Anzahl der Vollgeschosse', , , , , , 'Entwicklung', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', , , , '126', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut wohneinheiten_id des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id9, 'wohneinheiten_id', 'wohneinheiten_id', 'potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Text', , 'WE', , , , , 'Wohneinheit', 'Entwicklung', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', , , , '124', '1', '0');
 -- Class 390 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Nachverdichtungspotenzial ', @last_layer_id9, '([potenzialkategorie_id] = 1)', '12', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 344 der Class 390
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , , '255 74 108', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 344 zu Class 390
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Label 190 der Class 390
 INSERT INTO labels (`font`, `type`, `color`, `outlinecolor`, `shadowcolor`, `shadowsizex`, `shadowsizey`, `backgroundcolor`, `backgroundshadowcolor`, `backgroundshadowsizex`, `backgroundshadowsizey`, `size`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `position`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `angle`, `anglemode`, `buffer`, `minfeaturesize`, `maxfeaturesize`, `partials`, `wrap`, `the_force`) VALUES ('arial', NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '8', '6', '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 SET @last_label_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Label 190 zu Class 390
 INSERT INTO u_labels2classes (label_id, class_id) VALUES (@last_label_id, @last_class_id);
 -- Class 391 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Umnutzungspotenzial', @last_layer_id9, '([potenzialkategorie_id] = 2)', '20', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 345 der Class 391
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , , '253 141 0', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 345 zu Class 391
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Label 191 der Class 391
 INSERT INTO labels (`font`, `type`, `color`, `outlinecolor`, `shadowcolor`, `shadowsizex`, `shadowsizey`, `backgroundcolor`, `backgroundshadowcolor`, `backgroundshadowsizex`, `backgroundshadowsizey`, `size`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `position`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `angle`, `anglemode`, `buffer`, `minfeaturesize`, `maxfeaturesize`, `partials`, `wrap`, `the_force`) VALUES ('arial', NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '8', '6', '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 SET @last_label_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Label 191 zu Class 391
 INSERT INTO u_labels2classes (label_id, class_id) VALUES (@last_label_id, @last_class_id);
 -- Class 392 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Kleinteilige Außenentwicklungsfläche', @last_layer_id9, '([potenzialkategorie_id] = 3)', '30', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 346 der Class 392
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , , '0 208 246', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 346 zu Class 392
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Label 192 der Class 392
 INSERT INTO labels (`font`, `type`, `color`, `outlinecolor`, `shadowcolor`, `shadowsizex`, `shadowsizey`, `backgroundcolor`, `backgroundshadowcolor`, `backgroundshadowsizex`, `backgroundshadowsizey`, `size`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `position`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `angle`, `anglemode`, `buffer`, `minfeaturesize`, `maxfeaturesize`, `partials`, `wrap`, `the_force`) VALUES ('arial', NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '8', '6', '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 SET @last_label_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Label 192 zu Class 392
 INSERT INTO u_labels2classes (label_id, class_id) VALUES (@last_label_id, @last_class_id);
 -- Class 393 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Großflächige Außenentwicklungsfläche', @last_layer_id9, '([potenzialkategorie_id] = 4)', '40', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 347 der Class 393
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , , '41 67 255', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 347 zu Class 393
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Label 193 der Class 393
 INSERT INTO labels (`font`, `type`, `color`, `outlinecolor`, `shadowcolor`, `shadowsizex`, `shadowsizey`, `backgroundcolor`, `backgroundshadowcolor`, `backgroundshadowsizex`, `backgroundshadowsizey`, `size`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `position`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `angle`, `anglemode`, `buffer`, `minfeaturesize`, `maxfeaturesize`, `partials`, `wrap`, `the_force`) VALUES ('arial', NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL, NULL, '8', '6', '10', NULL, NULL, NULL, , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 SET @last_label_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Label 193 zu Class 393
 INSERT INTO u_labels2classes (label_id, class_id) VALUES (@last_label_id, @last_class_id);
 -- Class 1303 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Langfristig ( > 5 Jahre)', @last_layer_id9, '([verfuegbarkeit_id] = 3)', '30', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1202 der Class 1303
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '255 116 46', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1202 zu Class 1303
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Class 1301 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Kurzfristig ( < 1 Jahr)', @last_layer_id9, '([verfuegbarkeit_id] = 1)', '10', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1200 der Class 1301
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '0 175 0', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1200 zu Class 1301
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Class 1302 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Mittelfristig (1 bis 5 Jahre)', @last_layer_id9, '([verfuegbarkeit_id] = 2)', '20', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1201 der Class 1302
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '251 255 01', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1201 zu Class 1302
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Class 1304 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('unbekannt', @last_layer_id9, , '40', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1203 der Class 1304
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '222 222 222', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1203 zu Class 1304
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Class 1305 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('A ', @last_layer_id9, '([priorisierung_kommune_id] = 1)', '10', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1204 der Class 1305
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '22 145 0', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1204 zu Class 1305
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Class 1306 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('C ', @last_layer_id9, '([priorisierung_kommune_id] = 3)', '30', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1205 der Class 1306
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '212 42 0', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1205 zu Class 1306
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Class 1307 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('B', @last_layer_id9, '([priorisierung_kommune_id] = 2)', '20', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 1206 der Class 1307
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, , '6', '255 236 100', , '0 0 0', , , , NULL, , '8', NULL, NULL, '360', , '1', '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 1206 zu Class 1307
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Datendrucklayout 2 des Layers 9
 INSERT INTO datendrucklayouts (`name`, `layer_id`, `format`, `bgsrc`, `bgposx`, `bgposy`, `bgwidth`, `bgheight`, `dateposx`, `dateposy`, `datesize`, `userposx`, `userposy`, `usersize`, `font_date`, `font_user`, `type`, `margin_top`, `margin_bottom`, `margin_left`, `margin_right`, `gap`, `no_record_splitting`, `columns`, `filename`) VALUES ('Datenblatt', @last_layer_id9, 'A4 hoch', 'Logo_NF_lang.jpg', '342', '780', '240', '60', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, , , '0', '10', '10', '50', '10', '20', '0', '0', );
 SET @last_ddl_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aussenbereich', '187', '20', 'flaeche_ha', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flaeche_ha', '265', '20', 'ortsteil_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flaeche_qm', '190', '20', 'ortsteil_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'status_id', '190', '20', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potentialart_id', '187', '20', 'bezeichnung', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'geom', '50', '10', , '480', NULL, , '1');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potential_id', '190', '740', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'staedtebaulich_integrierte_lage', '227.754', '20', 'aussenbereich', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'erschlossen', '187', '55', 'staedtebaulich_integrierte_lage', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'darstellung_fnp', '187', '20', 'erschlossen', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'b_plan', '187', '20', 'darstellung_fnp', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht', '214.917', '20', 'sonstiges', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'anbindung_an_verkehr', '57', '40', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'anbindung_an_versorgungseinrichtungen', '57', '40', 'anbindung_an_verkehr', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktuelle_nutzung_id', '187', '20', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'leerstand', '187', '20', 'aktuelle_nutzung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bearbeiter_id', '187', '55', 'leerstand', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', '470', '740', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'genutzt1', '470', '20', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', '470', '20', 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'staedtebau_integration_id', '190', '20', 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '145', NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '190', '20', 'potenzialkategorie_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potenzialkategorie_id', '190', '20', 'flaeche_qm', '145', NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flurstuecke', '57', '1', , NULL, NULL, '5', NULL);
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'fnpdarstellung_id', '190', '20', 'staedtebau_integration_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'ortsteil_id', '190', '20', 'bezeichnung', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bezeichnung', '190', '20', 'potential_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '190', '20', 'flurstuecke', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'hemmnisse', '190', '20', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'versiegelung_id', '470', '20', 'leerstand_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'leerstand_id', '470', '20', 'genutzt1', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'satzungsgebiet_id', '190', '500', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'baurecht_id', '190', '20', 'fnpdarstellung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'nutzungsarten', '70', '750', , NULL, NULL, , NULL);
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', '190', '520', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bplandarstellung_id', '190', '20', 'bplan_nr_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bplan_nr_id', '190', '20', 'baurecht_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'erschliessung_id', '470', '20', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bereits_aktiviert', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'priorisierung_kommune_id', '470', '20', 'versiegelung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'sonstiges', '190', '20', 'hemmnisse', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'gemeinde', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'genutzt2', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_id_druck', '470', '20', 'erschliessung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flächen-ID', '57', '740', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 1 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Art des Potenzials', '57', '20', 'flaeche_qm', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 3 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flächengröße', '57', '20', 'ortsteil_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 7 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bezeichnung', '57', '20', 'potential_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 9 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Baurecht', '57', '20', 'fnpdarstellung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 10 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Erschließung', '345', '20', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 11 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Darstellung FNP', '57', '20', 'staedtebau_integration_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 12 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('b_plan', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 13 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Sonstiges', '57', '20', 'hemmnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 14 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Besond. Städtebaurecht', '57', '520', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 15 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Planungsabsichten der Gemeinde', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 16 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Verfügbarkeit', '57', '55', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 17 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Beschreibung des Pot.', '57', '20', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 18 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Anbindung an die Versorgungseinrichtungen', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 19 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Eigentumsverhältnisse', '344', '20', 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 20 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Aktuelle Nutzung', '345', '740', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 21 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Leerstand', '345', '20', 'genutzt1', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 22 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stelle-ID', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 24 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('erstellt am', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 25 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('erstellt von', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 26 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('geändert am', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 27 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stadt-/Ortsteil', '57', '20', 'bezeichnung', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 28 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Kommentar', '57', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 29 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Dokumente', '57', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 31 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Städtebauliche Lage', '57', '20', 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 32 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Planung', '57', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 33 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zustand', '57', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 34 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zielnutzung', '345', '20', 'erschliessung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 35 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '57', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 36 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('$gemeinde $bezeichnung', '55', '765', , '14', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '1');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 38 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bebauung', '344', '20', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 81 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Festsetzung B-Plan', '57', '20', 'bplan_nr_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 128 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('B-Plan Nummer', '57', '20', 'baurecht_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 182 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Satzungsgebiet', '57', '500', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 183 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Versiegelung', '345', '20', 'leerstand_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 184 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Priorisierung Kommune', '345', '20', 'versiegelung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 185 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zeitliche Verfügbarkeit', '57', '20', 'flurstuecke', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 186 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Hemmnisse', '57', '20', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 187 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('70', '0', '520', '0', '1', , , NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 2 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('70', '50', '520', '150', '1', NULL, , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 49 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '760', '584', '780', '0', '4', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 50 zu DDL 2
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 -- Datendrucklayout 4 des Layers 9
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_id', '187', '20', 'erschliessung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'erschliessung_id', '187', '20', 'bereits_aktiviert', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', '187', '55', 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', '216.138', '20', 'bplandarstellung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 82 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 83 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 84 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 85 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 86 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 87 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 88 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 89 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 90 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 91 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 92 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 93 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 94 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 95 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 96 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 97 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 98 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 99 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 100 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 101 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 102 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 103 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 104 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 105 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 106 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 107 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 108 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 109 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 110 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 111 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 112 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 113 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 114 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 115 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 116 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 117 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 118 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 119 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 120 zu DDL 4
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 121 zu DDL 4
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 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 122 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '57', '33', 'dokumente', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 123 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '792', '347', '10', '0.5', NULL, , 'status_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 31 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'status_id', 'staedtebau_integration_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 32 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'staedtebau_integration_id', 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 33 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', 'leerstand_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 34 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'leerstand_id', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 35 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'verfuegbarkeit_id', 'sonstiges', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 36 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'sonstiges', 'hemmnisse', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 37 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'hemmnisse', 'dokumente', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 38 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 39 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '792', '346', '773', '0.5', NULL, , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 40 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'status_id', 'status_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 41 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 42 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 43 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 44 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 45 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'sonstiges', 'sonstiges', '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 46 zu DDL 4
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 47 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 48 zu DDL 4
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 -- Datendrucklayout 6 des Layers 9
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flaeche_ha', '187', '20', 'flaeche_qm', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'kreis', '187', '20', 'planungsraum', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bereits_aktiviert', '187', '20', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', '200.243', '20', 'bereits_aktiviert', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', '187', '20', 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'erschliessung_id', '187', '20', 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_id', '187', '20', 'erschliessung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '197.196', '20', 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'hemmnisse', '57', '40', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'sonstiges', '57', '75', 'hemmnisse', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'dokumente', '187', '55', 'sonstiges', NULL, NULL, , '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'fotos', '187', '20', 'dokumente', NULL, NULL, , '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'stelle_id', '187', '55', 'fotos', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'created_at', '187', '20', 'stelle_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'updated_at', '187', '20', 'created_from', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'kommentar', '57', '40', 'updated_from', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flächen-ID', '57', '751', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 129 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Status', '57', '20', 'potential_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 130 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bezeichnung', '57', '20', 'status_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 131 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Raumordnung', '57', '20', 'bezeichnung', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 132 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Kreis/kreisfreie Stadt', '57', '20', 'planungsraum', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 133 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Amt/Stadt/Gemeinde', '57', '20', 'kreis', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 134 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stadt-/Ortsteil', '57', '20', 'gemeinde', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 135 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flächengröße', '57', '20', 'ortsteil_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 136 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('flaeche_ha', '57', '20', 'flaeche_qm', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 137 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flurstücke (lt. ALKIS)', '57', '55', 'flaeche_ha', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 138 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Nutzungsarten (lt. ALKIS)', '57', '55', 'flurstuecke', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 139 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Kategorie', '57', '55', 'nutzungsarten', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 140 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Beschreibung des Potenzials', '57', '20', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 141 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Städtebauliche Lage', '57', '20', 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 142 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Darstellung FNP', '57', '55', 'staedtebau_integration_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 143 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Baurecht', '57', '20', 'fnpdarstellung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 144 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('B-Plan Nummer', '57', '20', 'baurecht_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 145 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Festsetzung B-Plan', '57', '20', 'bplan_nr_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 146 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Besonderes Städtebaurecht', '57', '20', 'bplandarstellung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 147 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Satzungsgebiet', '57', '20', 'besonderes_staedtebaurecht_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 148 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Aktuelle Nutzungen', '57', '55', 'satzungsgebiet_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 149 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Eigentumsverhältnisse', '57', '20', 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 150 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bebauung', '57', '20', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 151 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bebauung', '57', '20', 'genutzt1', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 152 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Leerstand', '57', '20', 'genutzt2', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 153 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Versiegelung', '57', '20', 'leerstand_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 154 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Priorisierung Kommune', '57', '55', 'versiegelung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 155 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bereits aktivierte Fläche', '57', '20', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 156 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zeitpunkt der Aktivierung', '57', '20', 'bereits_aktiviert', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 157 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Neue Nutzung', '57', '20', 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 158 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Erschließung', '57', '20', 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 159 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zielnutzung (Kommune)', '57', '20', 'erschliessung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 160 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zeitliche Verfügbarkeit', '57', '20', 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 161 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Hemmnisse', '57', '20', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 162 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Sonstiges', '57', '55', 'hemmnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 163 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Dokumente', '57', '55', 'sonstiges', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 164 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Fotos', '57', '20', 'dokumente', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 165 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stelle-ID', '57', '55', 'fotos', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 166 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('erstellt am', '57', '20', 'stelle_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 167 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('erstellt von', '57', '20', 'created_at', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 168 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('geändert am', '57', '20', 'created_from', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 169 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('geändert von', '57', '20', 'updated_at', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 170 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Kommentar', '57', '20', 'updated_from', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 171 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stammdaten', '57', '778', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 172 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flurstücke;collapsed', '57', '33', 'flaeche_ha', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 173 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Nutzungsarten;collapsed', '57', '33', 'flurstuecke', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 174 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Potenzialart', '57', '33', 'nutzungsarten', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 175 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Planungsrecht', '57', '33', 'staedtebau_integration_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 176 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Nutzung', '57', '33', 'satzungsgebiet_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 177 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Entwicklung', '57', '33', 'versiegelung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 178 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Sonstiges', '57', '33', 'hemmnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 179 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Dokumente', '57', '33', 'sonstiges', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 180 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '57', '33', 'fotos', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', '0', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 181 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '792', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, , 'flaeche_ha', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 51 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'flaeche_ha', 'flurstuecke', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 52 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'flurstuecke', 'nutzungsarten', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 53 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'nutzungsarten', 'staedtebau_integration_id', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 54 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'staedtebau_integration_id', 'satzungsgebiet_id', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 55 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'satzungsgebiet_id', 'versiegelung_id', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 56 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'versiegelung_id', 'hemmnisse', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 57 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'hemmnisse', 'sonstiges', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 58 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'sonstiges', 'fotos', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 59 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '10', '0.5', NULL, 'fotos', 'kommentar', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 60 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '792', '545', '773', '0.5', NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 61 zu DDL 6
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 62 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'flurstuecke', 'flurstuecke', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 63 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'nutzungsarten', 'nutzungsarten', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 64 zu DDL 6
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 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'staedtebau_integration_id', 'staedtebau_integration_id', NULL);
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 65 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 66 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 67 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 68 zu DDL 6
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 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 69 zu DDL 6
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '20', '545', '39', '0.5', NULL, 'fotos', 'fotos', NULL);
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 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 70 zu DDL 6
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 -- Datendrucklayout 7 des Layers 9
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'ortsteil_id', '175', '20', 'bezeichnung', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'gemeinde', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'status_id', '175', '20', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potential_id', '175', '740', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flaeche_qm', '175', '20', 'ortsteil_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flaeche_ha', '262', '20', 'ortsteil_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'flurstuecke', '57', '1', , NULL, NULL, '5', NULL);
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'nutzungsarten', '70', '750', , NULL, NULL, , NULL);
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potenzialkategorie_id', '175', '20', 'flaeche_qm', '145', NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '175', '20', 'potenzialkategorie_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'staedtebau_integration_id', '175', '20', 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '145', NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'fnpdarstellung_id', '175', '20', 'staedtebau_integration_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'baurecht_id', '175', '20', 'fnpdarstellung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bplan_nr_id', '175', '20', 'baurecht_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'satzungsgebiet_id', '175', '500', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktuelle_nutzung_ids', '464', '740', , NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
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 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'genutzt1', '464', '20', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'genutzt2', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'leerstand_id', '464', '20', 'genutzt1', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'versiegelung_id', '464', '20', 'leerstand_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'priorisierung_kommune_id', '464', '20', 'versiegelung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '464', '20', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bereits_aktiviert', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktivierung_zeitpunkt_id', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'aktivierung_neue_nutzung_id', '70', '0', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'erschliessung_id', '464', '20', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'hemmnisse', '464', '20', 'erschliessung_id', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'sonstiges', '175', '20', 'geom', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica.afm', '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'geom', '50', '10', , '478', NULL, , '1');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'planungsabsichten_gemeinde_ids', '464', '20', 'hemmnisse', NULL, NULL, , '11');
 INSERT INTO ddl_elemente (`ddl_id`, `name`, `xpos`, `ypos`, `offset_attribute`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `fontsize`) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, 'bebauung_id', '70', '750', , NULL, NULL, , '13');
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flächen-ID', '53', '740', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 188 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Art des Potenzials', '53', '20', 'flaeche_qm', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 189 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Flächengröße', '53', '20', 'ortsteil_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 190 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bezeichnung', '53', '20', 'potential_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 191 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Baurecht', '53', '20', 'fnpdarstellung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 192 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Erschließung', '336', '20', 'verfuegbarkeit_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 193 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Darstellung FNP', '53', '20', 'staedtebau_integration_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 194 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('b_plan', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 195 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Sonstiges', '53', '20', 'flurstuecke', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 196 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bes. Städtebaurecht', '53', '520', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 197 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Planungsabsichten der Gemeinde', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 198 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Beschreibung des Pot.', '53', '20', 'potenzialkategorie_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 200 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Anbindung an die Versorgungseinrichtungen', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 201 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Eigentumsverhältnisse', '336', '680', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 202 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Aktuelle Nutzung', '336', '740', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 203 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Leerstand', '336', '20', 'genutzt1', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 204 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stelle-ID', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 205 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('erstellt am', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 206 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('erstellt von', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 207 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('geändert am', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 208 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Stadt-/Ortsteil', '53', '20', 'bezeichnung', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 209 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Kommentar', '53', '20', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 210 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Dokumente', '53', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 211 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Städtebauliche Lage', '53', '20', 'potenzialbeschreibung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 212 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Planung', '53', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 213 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zustand', '53', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 214 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zielnutzung', '336', '20', 'hemmnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 215 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bearbeitungsvermerke;collapsed', '53', '33', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 216 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('$gemeinde $bezeichnung', '53', '765', , '14', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '1');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 217 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Bebauung', '336', '20', 'eigentumsverhaeltnisse', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 218 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Festsetzung B-Plan', '53', '20', 'bplan_nr_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 219 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('B-Plan Nummer', '53', '20', 'baurecht_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 220 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Satzungsgebiet', '53', '500', , '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 221 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Versiegelung', '336', '20', 'leerstand_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 222 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Priorisierung Kommune', '336', '20', 'versiegelung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 223 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Zeitliche Verfügbarkeit', '336', '20', 'priorisierung_kommune_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 224 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreitexte (`text`, `posx`, `posy`, `offset_attribute`, `size`, `width`, `border`, `font`, `angle`, `type`) VALUES ('Hemmnisse', '336', '20', 'erschliessung_id', '11', NULL, NULL, 'Helvetica-Bold.afm', NULL, '0');
 SET @last_druckfreitexte_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreitext 225 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freitexte (ddl_id, freitext_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreitexte_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '674', '333', '674', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 1 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '614', '585', '614', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 3 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('333', '755', '333', '493', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 4 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '493', '50', '755', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 5 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('585', '493', '585', '754', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 6 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '755', '585', '755', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 7 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreilinien (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '493', '585', '493', '1', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreilinien_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreilinie 8 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freilinien (ddl_id, line_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreilinien_id);
 INSERT INTO druckfreirechtecke (`posx`, `posy`, `endposx`, `endposy`, `breite`, `color`, `offset_attribute_start`, `offset_attribute_end`, `type`) VALUES ('50', '760', '584', '780', '0', '4', , , '0');
 SET @last_druckfreirechtecke_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Druckfreirechteck 72 zu DDL 7
 INSERT INTO ddl2freirechtecke (ddl_id, rect_id) VALUES (@last_ddl_id, @last_druckfreirechtecke_id);
 -- Layer 13
 INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `oid`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `connection_id`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `sizeunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `write_mapserver_templates`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datasource`, `dataowner_name`, `dataowner_email`, `dataowner_tel`, `uptodateness`, `updatecycle`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`) VALUES ('Fotos', , '0', @group_id, 'SELECT\r\n  f.foto_id,\r\n  f.potential_id,\r\n  f.datei,\r\n  f.geom\r\nFROM\r\n  fotos f JOIN\r\n  potentiale p ON f.potential_id = p.potential_id\r\nWHERE\r\n  $stelle_id = 1 OR\r\n  $stelle_id = p.stelle_id', 'fotos', 'foto_id', 'geom from (select f.foto_id, f.datei, f.geom from fmk.fotos f JOIN fmk.potentiale p ON f.potential_id = p.potential_id  WHERE p.stelle_id = $stelle_id OR\r\n  $stelle_id IN (1)) as foo using unique foto_id using srid=4326', 'fmk', '/var/www/data/fmk/fotos/', , , , 'datei', NULL, NULL, , @connection, @connection_id, , '6', , '5', 'pixels', NULL, '4326', 'generic_layer_editor_doc_raster.php', '1', NULL, '400', NULL, NULL, , 'EPSG:4326', , '1.0.0', 'image/png', '60', , , , , , '0', '0', , , NULL, , , , , , , '2', );
 SET @last_layer_id13=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Attribut datei des Layers 13
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id13, 'datei', 'datei', 'fotos', 'f', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Dokument', , 'Datei', , , , , , , '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '20', '1', '1');
 -- Attribut foto_id des Layers 13
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id13, 'foto_id', 'foto_id', 'fotos', 'f', 'int4', , 'PRIMARY KEY', '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Text', , 'Foto-ID', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '0', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut geom des Layers 13
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id13, 'geom', 'geom', 'fotos', 'f', 'geometry', 'POINT', , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Geometrie', , 'Geometrie', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '22', '1', '0');
 -- Attribut potential_id des Layers 13
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id13, 'potential_id', 'potential_id', 'fotos', 'f', 'int4', , , '1', '0', '32', '0', , 'dynamicLink', 'index.php?go=Layer-Suche_Suchen&selected_layer_id=9&oid=$potential_id;zur Potentialfläche', 'Potential-ID', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '19', '1', '0');
 -- Class 107 des Layers 13
 INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES (' ', @last_layer_id13, , '1', );
 SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Style 65 der Class 107
 INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `colorrange`, `datarange`, `rangeitem`, `opacity`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`, `offsetx`, `offsety`, `polaroffset`, `pattern`, `geomtransform`, `gap`, `initialgap`, `linecap`, `linejoin`, `linejoinmaxsize`) VALUES (NULL, 'circle', '8', '255 119 151', , '174 83 105', , , , NULL, '6', '10', NULL, NULL, '360', , , NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, , , , NULL, NULL, , , NULL);
 SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Zuordnung Style 65 zu Class 107
 INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);
 -- Layer 90
 INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `oid`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `connection_id`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `sizeunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `write_mapserver_templates`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datasource`, `dataowner_name`, `dataowner_email`, `dataowner_tel`, `uptodateness`, `updatecycle`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`) VALUES ('nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'Potentialnutzungsarten', '5', @group_id, 'SELECT\r\n  id,\r\n  potential_id,\r\n  nutzungsart_gml_id,\r\n  flaeche || \' m² \' || bereich || \' \' || nutzungsartengruppe AS beschriftung,\r\n  nutzungsartschluessel,\r\n  bereich,\r\n  nutzungsartengruppe,\r\n  flaeche,\r\n  alkis_objart,\r\n  \'\' link_zur_kartenanzeige\r\nFROM\r\n  nutzungsarten_der_potentiale p\r\nWHERE\r\n  p.stelle_id = $stelle_id OR\r\n  ($stelle_id < 1999 AND p.stelle_id::text LIKE \'$stelle_id%\') OR\r\n  ($stelle_id > 1999 AND $stelle_id::text LIKE p.stelle_id::text || \'%\') OR\r\n  $stelle_id IN (1) \r\nORDER BY\r\n  flaeche DESC, nutzungsartschluessel', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'id', , 'fmk', , , , , , NULL, NULL, , @connection, @connection_id, , '6', , '3', 'pixels', NULL, '25832', , '1', '70', '0', NULL, NULL, , 'EPSG:25832', , '1.1.0', 'image/png', '60', , , , , , '1', '0', , 'Dient der Darstellung der  \"Tatsächliche Nutzung\"  ', NULL, , , , , , , '0', );
 SET @last_layer_id90=LAST_INSERT_ID();
 -- Attribut alkis_objart des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'alkis_objart', 'alkis_objart', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '0', '32', '0', , 'Text', , 'ALKIS Objektart', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', , , , '18', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut bereich des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'bereich', 'bereich', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '0', '100', NULL, , 'Text', , 'Bereich', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '15', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut beschriftung des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'beschriftung', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , , , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', , , , '8', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut flaeche des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'flaeche', 'flaeche', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'numeric', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Fläche', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '17', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut id des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'id', 'id', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'text', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'ID', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', , , , '1', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut link_zur_kartenanzeige des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'link_zur_kartenanzeige', , , , 'text', , , '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, , 'dynamicLink', 'index.php?go=zoomto_dataset&layer_id=70&oid=$nutzungsart_gml_id&layer_columnname=the_geom;In Karte anzeigen;root', 'Link Zur Kartenanzeige', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '20', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut nutzungsartengruppe des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'nutzungsartengruppe', 'nutzungsartengruppe', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '0', '100', NULL, , 'Text', , 'Nutzungsartengruppe', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '16', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut nutzungsartschluessel des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'nutzungsartschluessel', 'nutzungsartschluessel', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'text', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Nutzungsartschluessel', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '1', , , , '14', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut nutzungsart_gml_id des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'nutzungsart_gml_id', 'nutzungsart_gml_id', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'varchar', , , '1', '1', NULL, NULL, , 'Text', , 'Nutzungsart ID', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', , , , '10', '0', '0');
 -- Attribut potential_id des Layers 90
 INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `saveable`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `arrangement`, `labeling`, `raster_visibility`, `dont_use_for_new`, `mandatory`, `quicksearch`, `visible`, `vcheck_attribute`, `vcheck_operator`, `vcheck_value`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id90, 'potential_id', 'potential_id', 'nutzungsarten_der_potentiale', 'p', 'int4', , , '1', '1', '32', '0', , 'Text', , 'Potential ID', , , , , , , '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', , , , '11', '0', '0');
 -- Replace attribute options for Layer 14
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=14', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id14)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '14,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id14, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');
 -- Replace attribute options for Layer 9
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=9', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id9)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '9,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id9, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');
 -- Replace attribute options for Layer 13
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=13', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id13)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '13,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id13, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');
 -- Replace attribute options for Layer 90
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=90', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id90)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
 UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '90,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id90, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id14, @last_layer_id9, @last_layer_id13, @last_layer_id90) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');