GLE-Layer-Wildnachweisung: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „ <nowiki> -- Layerdump aus kvwmap vom 05.12.2018 10:51:13 -- Achtung: Die Datenbank in die der Dump eingespielt wird, sollte die gleiche Migrationsversion habe…“)
(kein Unterschied)

Aktuelle Version vom 5. Dezember 2018, 16:28 Uhr

-- Layerdump aus kvwmap vom 05.12.2018 10:51:13
-- Achtung: Die Datenbank in die der Dump eingespielt wird, sollte die gleiche Migrationsversion haben,
-- wie die Datenbank aus der exportiert wurde! Anderenfalls kann es zu Fehlern bei der Ausführung des SQL kommen.

SET @group_id = 1;
SET @connection = 'user=xxxx password=xxxx dbname=kvwmapsp';


-- Layer 12278
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('Wildbestände 2017/2018', '', '2', @group_id, 'Select oid,* from wildnachweisung WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\'', 'wildnachweisung', 'the_geom from (select oid,*  from jagdkataster.wildnachweisung WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\') as foo using unique oid using srid=2398', 'jagdkataster', '', '', '', '', '', '10', '1', '', @connection, '', '6', 'oid', 'oid', '1', 'pixels', '2398', '', '1', '70', '9500901', '1', '1000000', '', 'EPSG:2398', '', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '10', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', '', 'Erfassungsformular Wildnachweisung ', 'Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim, Untere Jagdbehörde, Ansprechpartner Axel Paul', '', '0', '', '');
SET @last_layer_id12278=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut a1 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a1', 'a1', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Wildkälber', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '11', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a12 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a12', 'a12', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Wildkälber', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '35', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a13 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a13', 'a13', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schmaltiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '36', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a14 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a14', 'a14', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '37', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a16 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a16', 'a16', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Hirschkälber', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '38', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a17 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a17', 'a17', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schmalspießer', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '39', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a18 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a18', 'a18', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Junge Hirsche', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '40', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a19 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a19', 'a19', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Mittel. Hirsche', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '41', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a2 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a2', 'a2', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schmaltiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '12', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a20 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a20', 'a20', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Alte Hirsche', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '42', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a23 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a23', 'a23', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schaflämmer', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '59', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a24 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a24', 'a24', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schmalschafe', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '60', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a25 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a25', 'a25', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schafe', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '61', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a27 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a27', 'a27', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Widderlämmer', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '62', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a28 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a28', 'a28', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '63', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a29 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a29', 'a29', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Widder von 2 bis 5 Jahren', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '64', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a3 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a3', 'a3', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '13', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a30 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a30', 'a30', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Widder ab 6 Jahre', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '65', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a33 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a33', 'a33', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Rickenkitz', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '80', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a34 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a34', 'a34', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Schmalrehe', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '81', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a35 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a35', 'a35', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Ricken', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '82', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a37 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a37', 'a37', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Bockkitze', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '83', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a38 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a38', 'a38', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '84', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a39 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a39', 'a39', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Böcke 2-4 J.', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '85', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a40 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a40', 'a40', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Böcke ab 5 J.', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '86', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a43 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a43', 'a43', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Frischlingsbachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '101', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a44 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a44', 'a44', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Überläuferbachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '102', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a45 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a45', 'a45', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Bachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '103', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a47 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a47', 'a47', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Frischlingskeiler', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '104', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a48 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a48', 'a48', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Überläuferkeiler', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '105', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a49 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'a49', 'a49', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'int4', '', '', '0', '32', '0', 'SELECT 0', 'Text', '', 'Keiler 2-4 J.', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '106', '1', '0');

-- Attribut a5 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a50 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a53 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a54 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a55 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a56 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a57 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a58 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a59 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a6 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a60 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a61 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a62 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a63 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a64 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a65 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a66 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a67 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a68 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a69 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a7 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a70 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a71 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a72 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a73 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a74 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a75 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a76 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a77 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a78 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a79 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a8 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a80 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a81 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a82 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a83 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a84 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a85 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a86 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a87 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a88 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a89 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut a9 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut art des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b1 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b12 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b13 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b14 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b16 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b17 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b18 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b19 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b2 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b20 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b23 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b24 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b25 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b27 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b28 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b29 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b3 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b30 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b33 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b34 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b35 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b37 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b38 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b39 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b40 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b43 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b44 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b45 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b47 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b48 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b49 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b5 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b50 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b53 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b54 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b55 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b56 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b57 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b58 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b59 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b6 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b60 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b61 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b62 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b63 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b64 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b65 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b66 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b67 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b68 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b69 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b7 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b70 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b71 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b72 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b73 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b74 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b75 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b76 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b77 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b78 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b79 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b8 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b80 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b81 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b82 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b83 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b84 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b85 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b86 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b87 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b88 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b89 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut b9 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c1 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c12 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c13 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c14 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c16 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c17 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c18 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c19 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c2 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c20 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c23 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c24 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c25 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c27 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c28 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c29 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c3 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c30 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c33 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c34 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c35 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c37 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c38 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c39 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c40 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c43 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c44 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c45 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c47 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c48 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c49 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c5 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c50 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c53 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c54 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c55 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c56 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c57 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c58 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c59 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c6 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c60 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c61 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c62 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c63 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c64 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c65 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c66 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c67 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c68 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c69 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c7 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c70 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c71 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c72 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c73 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c74 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c75 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c76 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c77 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c78 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c79 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c8 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c80 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c81 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c82 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c85 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c86 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c87 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c88 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c89 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut c9 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut conname des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d53 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d54 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d55 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d56 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d57 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d58 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d59 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d60 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d61 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d62 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d63 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d64 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d65 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d66 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d67 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d68 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d69 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d70 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d71 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d72 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d73 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d74 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d75 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d76 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d77 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d78 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d79 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d80 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d81 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d82 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d85 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d86 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d87 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d88 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut d89 des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut flaeche des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut gemeindenam des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut gemeindenum des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut id des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut id_intern des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut oid des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut pachtjahr des Layers 12278
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-- Attribut the_geom des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'the_geom', 'the_geom', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'geometry', 'MULTIPOLYGON', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Geometrie', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Geometrie;collopsed', NULL, '-1', '266', '0', '0');

-- Attribut wildart des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'wildart', 'wildart', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '9', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '10', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut zeitstempel des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12278, 'zeitstempel', 'zeitstempel', 'wildnachweisung', 'wildnachweisung', 'timestamp', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Time', '', 'Zeitstempel', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '7', '0', '0');

-- Class 771354 des Layers 12278
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('Erfassung', @last_layer_id12278, '', '1', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 778574 der Class 771354
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '158 118 0', '', '0 0 0', NULL, NULL, '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 778574 zu Class 771354
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 12278
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=12278', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id12278)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12278) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '12278,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id12278, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12278) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');


-- Layer 12345
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('Wildbestände Auswertung', '', '2', @group_id, 'Select * from wildbericht WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\'', 'wildbericht', 'the_geom from (select *  from jagdkataster.wildbericht WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\') as foo using unique oid using srid=2398', 'jagdkataster', '', '', '', '', '', '10', '1', '', @connection, '', '6', 'oid', 'oid', '1', 'pixels', '2398', '', '1', '50', '9600915', '1', '1000000', '', 'EPSG:2398', '', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '10', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', '', 'Auswertung der Wildnachweisung', 'Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim, Untere Jagdbehörde, Ansprechpartner Axel Paul', '', '0', '', '');
SET @last_layer_id12345=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut a1 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a1', 'a1', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Wildkälber', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '6', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a12 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a12', 'a12', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Wildkälber', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '33', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a13 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a13', 'a13', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmaltiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '36', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a14 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a14', 'a14', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '39', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a16 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a16', 'a16', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Hirschkälber', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '43', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a17 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a17', 'a17', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmalspießer', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '46', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a18 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a18', 'a18', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Junge Hirsche', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '49', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a19 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a19', 'a19', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Mittel. Hirsche', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '52', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a2 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a2', 'a2', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmaltiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '9', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a20 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a20', 'a20', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Alte Hirsche', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '55', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a23 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a23', 'a23', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schaflämmer', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '60', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a24 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a24', 'a24', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmalschafe', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '63', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a25 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a25', 'a25', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schafe', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '66', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a27 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a27', 'a27', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Widderlämmer', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '70', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a28 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a28', 'a28', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '73', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a29 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a29', 'a29', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Widder von 2 bis 5 Jahren', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '76', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a3 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a3', 'a3', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '12', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a30 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a30', 'a30', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Widder ab 6 Jahre', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '79', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a33 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a33', 'a33', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rickenkitz', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '84', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a34 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a34', 'a34', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmalrehe', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '87', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a35 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a35', 'a35', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Ricken', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '90', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a37 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a37', 'a37', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Bockkitze', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '94', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a38 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a38', 'a38', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '97', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a39 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a39', 'a39', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Böcke 2-4 J.', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '100', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a40 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a40', 'a40', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Böcke ab 5 J.', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '103', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a43 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a43', 'a43', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Frischlingsbachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '108', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a44 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a44', 'a44', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Überläuferbachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '111', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a45 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a45', 'a45', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Bachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '114', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a47 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a48 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a49 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a5 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a50 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a53 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a54 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a55 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a56 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a57 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a58 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a59 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a6 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a60 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a61 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a62 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a63 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a64 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a65 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a66 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a67 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a68 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a69 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a7 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a70 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a71 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a72 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a73 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a74 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a75 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a76 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a77 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a78 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a79 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a8 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a80 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a81 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a82 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a82', 'a82', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Heringsmöwen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '287', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a83 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut a84 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a84', 'a84', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'wildernde Katzen erlegt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Hund_Katze;collopsed', NULL, '0', '310', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a85 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a85', 'a85', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Nutrias', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '187', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a86 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a86', 'a86', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Nilgänse', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '232', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a87 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a87', 'a87', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Nebelkrähen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '292', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a88 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a88', 'a88', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rabenkrähen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '297', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a89 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'a89', 'a89', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Elstern', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '302', '0', '0');

-- Attribut a9 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut art des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'art', 'art', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '15', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Art', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b1 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b12 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b13 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b13', 'b13', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmaltiere  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '37', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b14 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b14', 'b14', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '40', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b16 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b17 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b18 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b18', 'b18', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Junge Hirsche  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Damwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '50', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b19 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b2 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b20 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b23 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b23', 'b23', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schaflämmer  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '61', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b24 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b25 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b27 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b28 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b28', 'b28', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '74', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b29 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b29', 'b29', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Widder von 2 bis 5 Jahre  Verkehrn', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '77', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b3 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b3', 'b3', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '13', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b30 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b30', 'b30', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Widder ab 6 Jahre Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '80', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b33 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b33', 'b33', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rickenkitz  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '85', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b34 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b34', 'b34', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmalrehe  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '88', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b35 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b35', 'b35', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Ricken  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '91', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b37 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b37', 'b37', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Bockkitze  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '95', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b38 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b38', 'b38', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '98', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b39 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b39', 'b39', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Böcke 2-4 J.  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '101', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b40 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b43 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b44 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b45 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b47 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b48 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b49 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b5 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b50 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b53 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b54 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b55 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b56 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b57 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b58 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b59 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b6 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b60 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b61 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b62 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b63 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b64 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b65 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b66 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b67 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b68 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b69 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b7 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b70 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b71 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b72 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b73 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b74 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b75 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b76 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b77 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b78 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b79 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b8 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b80 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b81 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b82 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b83 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b84 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'b84', 'b84', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'wildernde_Katzen_gefangen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Hund_Katze;collopsed', NULL, '0', '311', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b85 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b86 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b87 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b88 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b89 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut b9 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut baummarder_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'baummarder_gesamt', 'baummarder_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Baummarder gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '151', '0', '0');

-- Attribut blaessgaense_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut blaesshuehner_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c1 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c12 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c13 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c14 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c16 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c17 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c18 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c19 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c2 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c20 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c23 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c24 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c25 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c27 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c28 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c29 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c3 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c3', 'c3', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Alttiere sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '14', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c30 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c33 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c33', 'c33', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rickenkitz sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '86', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c34 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c34', 'c34', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmalrehe sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '89', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c35 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c35', 'c35', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Ricken sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '92', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c37 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c37', 'c37', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Bockkitze sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '96', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c38 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c38', 'c38', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Jährlinge sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '99', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c39 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c39', 'c39', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Böcke 2-4 J. sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '102', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c40 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c40', 'c40', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Böcke ab 5 J. sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '105', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c43 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c43', 'c43', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Frischlingsbachen sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '110', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c44 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c44', 'c44', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Überläuferbachen sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '113', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c45 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c45', 'c45', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Bachen sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '116', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c47 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c47', 'c47', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Frischlingskeiler sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '120', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c48 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c48', 'c48', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Überläuferkeiler sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '123', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c49 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c49', 'c49', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Keiler 2-4 J. sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '126', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c5 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c5', 'c5', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Hirschkälber sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '18', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c50 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c50', 'c50', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Keiler ab 5 J. sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '129', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c53 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c53', 'c53', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Feldhasen  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '134', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c54 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c54', 'c54', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Wildkaninchen  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '139', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c55 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c55', 'c55', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Füchse  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '144', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c56 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c57 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c57', 'c57', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Steinmarder  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '154', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c58 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c59 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c59', 'c59', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Hermelin  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '164', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c6 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c6', 'c6', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schmalspießer sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '21', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c60 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c60', 'c60', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Dachse  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '169', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c61 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c61', 'c61', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Marderhunde  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '174', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c62 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c62', 'c62', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Waschbären  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '179', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c63 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c63', 'c63', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Minke  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '184', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c64 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c65 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c65', 'c65', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Ringeltauben  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '199', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c66 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c66', 'c66', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Türkentaube  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '204', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c67 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c67', 'c67', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Höckerschwan  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '209', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c68 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c68', 'c68', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Graugänse  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '214', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c69 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c69', 'c69', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Blässgänse  Verkehr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '219', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c7 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'c7', 'c7', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Junge Hirsche sonstiges', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '24', '0', '0');

-- Attribut c70 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c71 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c72 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c73 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c74 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c75 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c76 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c77 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c78 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c79 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c8 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c80 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c81 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c82 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c85 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c86 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c87 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c88 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c89 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut c9 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut conname des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d53 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d54 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d55 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d56 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d57 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d58 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d59 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d60 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d61 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d62 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d63 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d64 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d65 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d66 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d67 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d68 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d69 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d70 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d71 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d72 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d73 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d74 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d75 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d76 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d77 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d78 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d79 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d80 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d81 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d82 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d85 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d86 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d87 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d88 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut d89 des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut dachse_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut damwild_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut damwild_m des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut damwild_w des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut elstern_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut fasanenhaehne_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut feldhase_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut fuechse_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut gemeindenam des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut gemeindenum des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut graugaense_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut heringmoewen_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut hermeline_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut hoeckerschwaene_gesamt des Layers 12345
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-- Attribut hunde_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'hunde_gesamt', 'hunde_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Hunde gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Hund_Katze;collopsed', NULL, '0', '309', '0', '0');

-- Attribut id des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'id', 'id', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '255', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Connummer', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut iltisse_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'iltisse_gesamt', 'iltisse_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Iltisse gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '161', '0', '0');

-- Attribut kanadagaense_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'kanadagaense_gesamt', 'kanadagaense_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Kanadagänse gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '231', '0', '0');

-- Attribut katzen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'katzen_gesamt', 'katzen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Katzen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Hund_Katze;collopsed', NULL, '0', '312', '0', '0');

-- Attribut krickenten_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'krickenten_gesamt', 'krickenten_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Krickenten gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '251', '0', '0');

-- Attribut lachmoewen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'lachmoewen_gesamt', 'lachmoewen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Lachmöwen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '271', '0', '0');

-- Attribut mantelmoewen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'mantelmoewen_gesamt', 'mantelmoewen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Mantelmöwen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '286', '0', '0');

-- Attribut marderhunde_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'marderhunde_gesamt', 'marderhunde_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Marderhunde gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '176', '0', '0');

-- Attribut minke_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'minke_gesamt', 'minke_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Minke gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '186', '0', '0');

-- Attribut muffelwild_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'muffelwild_gesamt', 'muffelwild_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Muffelwild gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '83', '0', '0');

-- Attribut muffelwild_m des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'muffelwild_m', 'muffelwild_m', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Muffelwild männlich', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '82', '0', '0');

-- Attribut muffelwild_w des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'muffelwild_w', 'muffelwild_w', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Muffelwild weiblich', '', '', '', '', '', 'Muffelwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '69', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nebelkraehen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'nebelkraehen_gesamt', 'nebelkraehen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Nebelkrähen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '296', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nilgaense des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'nilgaense', 'nilgaense', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Nilgänse gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '236', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nutrias_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'nutrias_gesamt', 'nutrias_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Nutrias gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '191', '0', '0');

-- Attribut oid des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'oid', 'oid', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'oid', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut pachtjahr des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'pachtjahr', 'pachtjahr', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '9', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '314', '0', '0');

-- Attribut pfeifenten_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'pfeifenten_gesamt', 'pfeifenten_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Pfeifenten gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '256', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rabenkraehen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rabenkraehen_gesamt', 'rabenkraehen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rabenkrähen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '301', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rehwild_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rehwild_gesamt', 'rehwild_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rehwild gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '107', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rehwild_m des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rehwild_m', 'rehwild_m', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rehwild männlich', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '106', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rehwild_w des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rehwild_w', 'rehwild_w', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rehwild wiblich', '', '', '', '', '', ' Rehwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '93', '0', '0');

-- Attribut ringeltauben_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'ringeltauben_gesamt', 'ringeltauben_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Ringeltauben gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '201', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rotwild_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rotwild_gesamt', 'rotwild_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rotwild gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '32', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rotwild_m des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rotwild_m', 'rotwild_m', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rotwild männlich', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '31', '0', '0');

-- Attribut rotwild_w des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'rotwild_w', 'rotwild_w', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Rotwild weiblich', '', '', '', '', '', 'Rotwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '15', '0', '0');

-- Attribut saatgaense_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'saatgaense_gesamt', 'saatgaense_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Saatgänse gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '226', '0', '0');

-- Attribut schwarzwild_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'schwarzwild_gesamt', 'schwarzwild_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schwarzwild gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '131', '0', '0');

-- Attribut schwarzwild_m des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'schwarzwild_m', 'schwarzwild_m', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schwarzwild männlich', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '130', '0', '0');

-- Attribut schwarzwild_w des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'schwarzwild_w', 'schwarzwild_w', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Schwarzwild weiblich', '', '', '', '', '', 'Schwarzwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '117', '0', '0');

-- Attribut silbermoewen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'silbermoewen_gesamt', 'silbermoewen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Silbermöwen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '281', '0', '0');

-- Attribut steinmarder_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'steinmarder_gesamt', 'steinmarder_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Steinmarder gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '156', '0', '0');

-- Attribut stockenten_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'stockenten_gesamt', 'stockenten_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Stockenten gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '241', '0', '0');

-- Attribut sturmmoewen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'sturmmoewen_gesamt', 'sturmmoewen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Sturmmöwen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '276', '0', '0');

-- Attribut tafelenten_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'tafelenten_gesamt', 'tafelenten_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Tafelenten gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '246', '0', '0');

-- Attribut the_geom des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'the_geom', 'the_geom', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'geometry', 'MULTIPOLYGON', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Geometrie', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '315', '0', '0');

-- Attribut tuerkentauben_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'tuerkentauben_gesamt', 'tuerkentauben_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Türkentaube gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '206', '0', '0');

-- Attribut waldschnaepfen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'waldschnaepfen_gesamt', 'waldschnaepfen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Waldschnepfe gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Federwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '261', '0', '0');

-- Attribut waschbaeren_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'waschbaeren_gesamt', 'waschbaeren_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Waschbären gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '181', '0', '0');

-- Attribut wildkaninchen_gesamt des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'wildkaninchen_gesamt', 'wildkaninchen_gesamt', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Wildkaninchen gesamt', '', '', '', '', '', 'Haarwild;collopsed', NULL, '0', '141', '0', '0');

-- Attribut zeitstempel des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12345, 'zeitstempel', 'zeitstempel', 'wildbericht', 'wildbericht', 'timestamp', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '313', '0', '0');

-- Class 795229 des Layers 12345
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('', @last_layer_id12345, '', '1', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 802475 der Class 795229
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '253 234 234', '', '0 0 0', NULL, NULL, '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 802475 zu Class 795229
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 12345
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=12345', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id12345)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12345) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '12345,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id12345, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12345) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');


-- Layer 12337
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('Schwarzwildbestand 2017/2018', '', '2', @group_id, 'Select oid,* from  wildnachview WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\'', 'wildnachview', 'the_geom from (select *  from jagdkataster.wildnachview WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\') as foo using unique oid using srid=2398', 'jagdkataster', '', '', '', '', '', '10', '1', '', @connection, '', '6', 'oid', 'oid', '1', 'pixels', '2398', '', '1', '100', '9500903', '1', '1000000', '', 'EPSG:2398', '', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '10', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', '', 'Schwarzwildbestand in den einzelnen Jagdtbezirken', 'Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim, Untere Jagdbehörde, Ansprechpartner Axel Paul', '', '0', '', '');
SET @last_layer_id12337=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut a43 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a43', 'a43', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Frischlingsbachen', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '7', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut a44 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a44', 'a44', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Überläuferbachen', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '8', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut a45 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a45', 'a45', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Bachen', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '9', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut a47 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a47', 'a47', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '17', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut a48 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a48', 'a48', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '18', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut a49 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a49', 'a49', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '19', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut a50 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'a50', 'a50', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '20', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut april des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'april', 'april', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'April', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '36', '0', '0');

-- Attribut april_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'april_auf_100', 'april_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'April auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '37', '0', '0');

-- Attribut art des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'art', 'art', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '15', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Art', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '3', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut august des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'august', 'august', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'August', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '44', '0', '0');

-- Attribut august_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'august_auf_100', 'august_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'August auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '45', '0', '0');

-- Attribut b43 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b43', 'b43', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '10', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut b44 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b44', 'b44', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '11', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut b45 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b45', 'b45', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '12', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut b47 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b47', 'b47', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '21', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut b48 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b48', 'b48', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '22', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut b49 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b49', 'b49', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '23', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut b50 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'b50', 'b50', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '24', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c43 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c43', 'c43', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '13', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c44 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c44', 'c44', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '14', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c45 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c45', 'c45', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '15', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c47 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c47', 'c47', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '25', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c48 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c48', 'c48', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '26', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c49 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c49', 'c49', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '27', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut c50 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'c50', 'c50', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '28', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut conname des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'conname', 'conname', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '80', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Jagdbezirksname', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '4', '0', '0');

-- Attribut dezember des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'dezember', 'dezember', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Dezember', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '52', '0', '0');

-- Attribut dezember_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'dezember_auf_100', 'dezember_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Dezember auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '53', '0', '0');

-- Attribut februar des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'februar', 'februar', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Februar', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '56', '0', '0');

-- Attribut februar_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'februar_auf_100', 'februar_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Februar auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '57', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flaeche des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'flaeche', 'flaeche', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'float8', '', '', '1', '53', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Fläche in ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '35', '0', '0');

-- Attribut fruehj des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'fruehj', 'fruehj', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Frühjahrsbestand', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '31', '0', '0');

-- Attribut fruej_auf100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'fruej_auf100', 'fruej_auf100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Frühjahrsbestand auf 100 ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '32', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemeindenam des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'gemeindenam', 'gemeindenam', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '100', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Gemeindename', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '6', '0', '0');

-- Attribut gemeindenum des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'gemeindenum', 'gemeindenum', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Gemeinde', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '5', '0', '0');

-- Attribut id des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'id', 'id', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '255', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Concode', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut januar des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'januar', 'januar', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Januar', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '54', '0', '0');

-- Attribut januar_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'januar_auf_100', 'januar_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Januar auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '55', '0', '0');

-- Attribut juli des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'juli', 'juli', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Juli', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '42', '0', '0');

-- Attribut juli_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'juli_auf_100', 'juli_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Juli auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '43', '0', '0');

-- Attribut juni des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'juni', 'juni', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Juni', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '40', '0', '0');

-- Attribut juni_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'juni_auf_100', 'juni_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Juni auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '41', '0', '0');

-- Attribut maerz des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'maerz', 'maerz', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'März', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '58', '0', '0');

-- Attribut maerz_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'maerz_auf_100', 'maerz_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'März auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '59', '0', '0');

-- Attribut mai des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'mai', 'mai', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Mai', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '38', '0', '0');

-- Attribut mai_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'mai_auf_100', 'mai_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Mai  auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '39', '0', '0');

-- Attribut november des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'november', 'november', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'November', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '50', '0', '0');

-- Attribut november_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'november_auf_100', 'november_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'November auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '51', '0', '0');

-- Attribut oid des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'oid', 'oid', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'oid', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '1', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut oktober des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'oktober', 'oktober', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Oktober', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '48', '0', '0');

-- Attribut oktober_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'oktober_auf_100', 'oktober_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', ' Oktober auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '49', '0', '0');

-- Attribut pachtjahr des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'pachtjahr', 'pachtjahr', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '9', NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Jahr', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '61', NULL, '0');

-- Attribut september des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'september', 'september', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'September', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '46', '0', '0');

-- Attribut september_auf_100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'september_auf_100', 'september_auf_100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'September auf 100ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Monatssummen;collopsed', NULL, '0', '47', '0', '0');

-- Attribut sommerbest des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'sommerbest', 'sommerbest', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Sommerbestand', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '33', '0', '0');

-- Attribut sommerbest_auf100 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'sommerbest_auf100', 'sommerbest_auf100', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'Sommerbestand auf 100 ha', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '34', '0', '0');

-- Attribut summe_gesamt des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'summe_gesamt', 'summe_gesamt', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Gesamtsumme', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '30', '0', '0');

-- Attribut summe_maennlich des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'summe_maennlich', 'summe_maennlich', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Summe aller Keiler', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '29', '0', '0');

-- Attribut summe_weiblich des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'summe_weiblich', 'summe_weiblich', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'int4', '', '', '1', '32', '0', '', 'Text', '', 'Summe aller Bachen', '', '', '', '', '', 'Grundinformation;collopsed', NULL, '0', '16', '0', '0');

-- Attribut the_geom des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'the_geom', 'the_geom', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'geometry', 'MULTIPOLYGON', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Geometrie', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Allgemein', NULL, '0', '62', '0', '0');

-- Attribut zeitstempel des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12337, 'zeitstempel', 'zeitstempel', 'wildnachview', 'wildnachview', 'timestamp', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', 'letzte Änderung am:', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '60', NULL, '0');

-- Class 790668 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('12 bis  < 18', @last_layer_id12337, '([sommerbest_auf100] <= 17.999 and [sommerbest_auf100] >=12.000)', '3', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 797912 der Class 790668
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '251 106 74', '', '0 0 0', NULL, '8', '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 797912 zu Class 790668
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Class 799178 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('6 bis < 12', @last_layer_id12337, '([sommerbest_auf100] <=  11.999 and [sommerbest_auf100] >= 6.000)', '2', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 806435 der Class 799178
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '6', '255 174 145', '', '0 0 0', NULL, '8', '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 806435 zu Class 799178
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Class 790670 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('24 bis < 30', @last_layer_id12337, '(sommerbest_auf100] <= 29.999 and [sommerbest_auf100] >=24.000)', '5', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 797914 der Class 790670
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '195 15 21', '', '0 0 0', NULL, '8', '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 797914 zu Class 790670
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Class 790669 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('18 bis < 24', @last_layer_id12337, '([sommerbest_auf100] <= 23.999 and [sommerbest_auf100] >=18.000)', '4', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 797913 der Class 790669
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '255 0 0 ', '', '0 0 0', NULL, '8', '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 797913 zu Class 790669
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Class 790671 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('30 und mehr', @last_layer_id12337, '([sommerbest_auf100] >=30.000)', '6', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 797915 der Class 790671
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '120 0 13', '', '0 0 0', NULL, '8', '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 797915 zu Class 790671
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Class 790667 des Layers 12337
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('0 bis  < 6', @last_layer_id12337, '([sommerbest_auf100] <=  5.999 and [sommerbest_auf100] >= 0.01)', '1', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 797911 der Class 790667
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '255 206 204', '', '0 0 0', NULL, '8', '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 797911 zu Class 790667
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 12337
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=12337', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id12337)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12337) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '12337,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id12337, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12337) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');


-- Layer 12342
INSERT INTO layer (`Name`, `alias`, `Datentyp`, `Gruppe`, `pfad`, `maintable`, `Data`, `schema`, `document_path`, `tileindex`, `tileitem`, `labelangleitem`, `labelitem`, `labelmaxscale`, `labelminscale`, `labelrequires`, `connection`, `printconnection`, `connectiontype`, `classitem`, `filteritem`, `tolerance`, `toleranceunits`, `epsg_code`, `template`, `queryable`, `transparency`, `drawingorder`, `minscale`, `maxscale`, `offsite`, `ows_srs`, `wms_name`, `wms_server_version`, `wms_format`, `wms_connectiontimeout`, `wms_auth_username`, `wms_auth_password`, `wfs_geom`, `selectiontype`, `querymap`, `logconsume`, `processing`, `kurzbeschreibung`, `datenherr`, `metalink`, `privileg`, `trigger_function`, `sync`) VALUES ('Pächterliste', '', '2', @group_id, 'Select * from paechterliste WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\'', 'paechterliste', 'the_geom from (select  * from jagdkataster.paechterliste WHERE pachtjahr = \'2017/18\') as foo using unique oid using srid=2398', 'jagdkataster', '', '', '', '', '', '10', '1', '', @connection, '', '6', '', 'oid', '1', 'pixels', '2398', '', '1', '50', '9600915', '1', '1000000', '', 'EPSG:2398', '', '1.1.0', 'image/png', '10', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', '', 'Ausgabe der Jagdtausübungsberechtigten', 'Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim, Untere Jagdbehörde, Ansprechpartner Axel Paul', '', '0', '', '');
SET @last_layer_id12342=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Attribut akad_grad des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'akad_grad', 'akad_grad', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '20', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '6', '0', '0');

-- Attribut art des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'art', 'art', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '15', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '2', '0', '0');

-- Attribut conname des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'conname', 'conname', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '80', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '3', '0', '0');

-- Attribut emailgesch des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'emailgesch', 'emailgesch', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '150', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '20', '0', '0');

-- Attribut emailpriv des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'emailpriv', 'emailpriv', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '150', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '21', '0', '0');

-- Attribut fax des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'fax', 'fax', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '100', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '19', '0', '0');

-- Attribut flaeche des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'flaeche', 'flaeche', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'numeric', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '4', '0', '0');

-- Attribut geburtsort des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'geburtsort', 'geburtsort', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '50', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '10', '0', '0');

-- Attribut geburtstag des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'geburtstag', 'geburtstag', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '20', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '9', '0', '0');

-- Attribut hausnr des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'hausnr', 'hausnr', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '50', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '12', '0', '0');

-- Attribut id des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'id', 'id', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '255', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '1', '0', '0');

-- Attribut nachname des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'nachname', 'nachname', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '100', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '7', '0', '0');

-- Attribut oid des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'oid', 'oid', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'oid', '', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '0');

-- Attribut ort des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'ort', 'ort', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '50', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '14', '0', '0');

-- Attribut ortsteil des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'ortsteil', 'ortsteil', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '50', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '15', '0', '0');

-- Attribut pachtjahr des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'pachtjahr', 'pachtjahr', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '9', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '5', '0', '0');

-- Attribut plz des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'plz', 'plz', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '80', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '13', '0', '0');

-- Attribut strasse des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'strasse', 'strasse', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '60', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '11', '0', '0');

-- Attribut telefongesch des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'telefongesch', 'telefongesch', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '100', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '16', '0', '0');

-- Attribut telefonmobil des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'telefonmobil', 'telefonmobil', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '50', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '18', '0', '0');

-- Attribut telefonpriv des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'telefonpriv', 'telefonpriv', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '100', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '17', '0', '0');

-- Attribut the_geom des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'the_geom', 'the_geom', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'geometry', 'MULTIPOLYGON', '', '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Geometrie', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '22', '0', '0');

-- Attribut vorname des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO layer_attributes (`layer_id`, `name`, `real_name`, `tablename`, `table_alias_name`, `type`, `geometrytype`, `constraints`, `nullable`, `length`, `decimal_length`, `default`, `form_element_type`, `options`, `alias`, `alias_low-german`, `alias_english`, `alias_polish`, `alias_vietnamese`, `tooltip`, `group`, `raster_visibility`, `mandatory`, `order`, `privileg`, `query_tooltip`) VALUES (@last_layer_id12342, 'vorname', 'vorname', 'paechterliste', 'paechterliste', 'varchar', '', '', '1', '80', NULL, '', 'Text', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '0', '8', '0', '0');

-- Class 794396 des Layers 12342
INSERT INTO classes (`Name`, `Layer_ID`, `Expression`, `drawingorder`, `text`) VALUES ('', @last_layer_id12342, '', '1', '');
SET @last_class_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();

-- Style 801640 der Class 794396
INSERT INTO styles (`symbol`, `symbolname`, `size`, `color`, `backgroundcolor`, `outlinecolor`, `minsize`, `maxsize`, `angle`, `angleitem`, `antialias`, `width`, `minwidth`, `maxwidth`) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '253 234 234', '', '0 0 0', NULL, NULL, '360', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
SET @last_style_id=LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- Zuordnung Style 801640 zu Class 794396
INSERT INTO u_styles2classes (style_id, class_id, drawingorder) VALUES (@last_style_id, @last_class_id, 0);

-- Replace attribute options for Layer 12342
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, 'layer_id=12342', CONCAT('layer_id=', @last_layer_id12342)) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12342) AND form_element_type IN ('Autovervollständigungsfeld', 'Auswahlfeld', 'Link','dynamicLink');
UPDATE layer_attributes SET options = REPLACE(options, '12342,', CONCAT(@last_layer_id12342, ',')) WHERE layer_id IN (@last_layer_id12342) AND form_element_type IN ('SubFormPK', 'SubFormFK', 'SubFormEmbeddedPK');